Meet Darryl D’Souza, the founder of Earth Keepers Connect who is spreading awareness on holistic lifestyle
May 9, 2022, 12:21 p.m.

By: Reshma Jain
Darryl D’Souza started his professional life in 1993 as an Industrial Engineer and Business Management student. He spent 5 years working in the field of industrial goods manufacturing and also the design and implementation of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems in India and overseas. He returned to India in 1998 and then worked in the field of Supply Chain Consulting, implementing advanced planning and scheduling systems for complex manufacturing. In this endeavour, he was part of building transactions systems, software systems, ERP systems and integrating them with other global enterprise systems till the year 2010.
It was in 1990, during his engineering studies, when Darryl D’Souza started suffering progressively from pneumonia, amoebiasis, digestive disorders, skin allergies and other autoimmune conditions. Despite the use of modern medicine, there was no sign of cure and instead brought him to a state where he was not able to work anymore, and almost lost his life in 2004.
Almost 14 years of suffering, his radical reversal from a terrific state to a state of complete well-being within just 1 year of using Integrative Natural medicine is a story that has inspired millions across the globe to lead healthier lives. His resultant book ‘Become Healthy or Extinct’ on Curing Chronic Illnesses with Integrative Medicine finds readership in close to 200 countries. Darryl has devised several disease reversal programs and has been teaching people across the world how to reverse chronic illnesses with integrated natural medicine for 16 years.
He also created other platforms for doctors, healers and therapists to work together. Darryl’s lectures, videos, seminars, webinars, workshops and residential retreats on wellness and spirituality are sought out by individuals, institutions and organizations. He was the Secretary of The World United – Doctors’ and Healers’ Association for 5 years, during which he curated and convened their Continued Medico-Spiritual Education Conferences.
Darryl is also an organic farmer, an environmentalist, TEDx speaker, ambassador of Vegan Nation, convener of The New Earth Summit, co-founder of Awaken India Movement, and a speaker at The World Parliaments on Spirituality. For over 22 years, Darryl has been researching soil, animal, plant and human biology, marine biology, planetary ecology and holistic living, which inspired him to launch ‘The New Earth Summit’, as a platform to showcase their integrated and symbiotic functioning.
The Earth Keepers Movement started in Goa in 2011, with the launch of its founder Darryl D’Souza’s book ‘Become Healthy or Extinct’ which is a book that teaches how to use Integrative natural medicine to reverse chronic illnesses. From 2011 to 2015, the movement was mainly engaged in wellness of mind, body and spirit, and in 2015 it expanded to food, farming, environment, sustainability and local self-sustaining, circular green economy.
Earth Keepers Connect is a platform that connects ‘Earth Keepers’ in India and across the world, so that they are better able to share the activities they do towards leading healthy and balanced lives, and also activities that reverse the damage that has been done to Mother Earth. ‘Earth Keeper’ is a person who is in a continuous process of deepening their understanding of which daily choices damage people, animals, flora & fauna and the planet as well, so they choose actions in alignment with reversing this damage and maintaining the 5 elements in their natural state, and thereby ‘Keep the Earth’ in a healthy state to support all of life on this planet now and for our future generations.
Earth Keepers live by ‘Living Sciences’, meaning, they use natural sciences that are provable in nature to everyone. So, Earth Keepers walk their talk every day, through their choices of ethical professions and projects, consumption of ethical goods and services whether in the areas of health, food, organic farming, environment, sustainability, permaculture, circular green economy, education, arts and culture and good governance.
Earth Keepers Connect works through platforms like their website www.earthkeepers, and through their Facebook groups, WhatsApp groups, Telegram groups and through workgroups on the ground in the Indian cities of Mumbai, Goa, Delhi, Pune, Bangalore, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Belgaum, Jaipur and Nagpur, to bring like-minded people together to create more awareness amongst the masses of the solutions to our common problems in the various areas mentioned above. Earth Keepers Connect is in the process of registering itself as a non-profit society in India.
The New Earth Summit – India’s 1st Integrative Summit on solutions to our problems in health, food, farming and environment, is Earth Keepers Connect’s flagship event that has been happening every year in November since 2019. Over the last 3 years, over 200 domain experts in these fields have presented the root causes of problems in healthcare, food supply, living spaces, environment, governance and education and showcased unique solutions that they have implemented in places across India and around the world, so that the solutions can be implemented everywhere, with a goal of facilitating the creation of eco-friendly, self-sustaining, locally diverse, circular economy models by the people and for the people across states of the world.
As part of the ‘Next Steps’ of The New Earth Summit in developing zones of New Earth in various states and countries with the right living ecosystems and resource governance systems, members of Earth Keepers Connect have created a countrywide communication network for India to start with, via their website, Telegram groups and Facebook groups, so that people can daily work at the village, city, state, national and global level to implement the solutions and bring the desired changes in everyday living.
Several people’s committees are being set up at every state level by the people nominating domain experts in their states, in the area of health, food, farming, environment, education and arts and culture, to facilitate the formation of better policies and good resources governance.
These committees are being set up at the state, nation and global level. They will propose and implement new projects, events, campaigns and technologies with the help of the people and the funds they mobilize, to execute these projects for the benefit of the people and the land of the state. In some cases, the committees will solicit the help of the government and they will also assist the government in implementing some of the government’s projects.
The ‘Next Steps’ of this endeavour of building a New Earth for the benefit of Humanity and this planet, are now in the implementation phase, through the participation of Earth Keepers all across India and some around the world as well.
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