Meet this Duo who are helping to bridge the gap between the job seekers and job givers during the pandemic
Aug. 18, 2020, 2:33 p.m.

By:Reshma Jain
Ever since coronavirus struck India, terms like lay-offs, firings, furloughs, etc have been dominating the headlines. Due to the lockdowns imposed to curb the health crisis, COVID-19 has dramatically altered the hiring landscape in India and as in other parts of the globe, thousands have been laid off indefinitely and without compensation. When Suyash Jain read a news article which read ‘A B2B company lays off 3,000 contract workers’, it hit him hard and a thought triggered him. “I was shocked, and wanted to do something for these people,” says Jain.
But amid the gloom, Suyash thought that there are companies which are still hiring; some of the domains being: E-commerce, pharma, food companies, online education and gaming. Thus, an idea was born and Suyash Jain along with his colleague Rajat Agarwal launched COVID-19 free job forum, a social initiative (non-profit) to help people losing/ or not getting jobs during the Corona pandemic. They have created a google form in which they collect details of job seekers and then the database is shared to those recruiters who are currently hiring.
On April 27, Suyash created a google form with the title ‘Register yourself for Job Opportunities’ which consisted of necessary information like Name, number, Mail Id, field of job, city, last company name, designation, etc. He then posted this out on social media. His major objective at that point of time was to use this database while planning to expand the feet-on-street sales team in Bijnis,” stated Jain, Growth Manager in Bijnis App.
He further added, “Within 24 hours, over 100 job seekers responded with their applications. This led to the launch of the COVID-19 free job forum as a social initiative. Our core purpose behind this initiative is to help out job seekers to get back to their jobs and also to bridge the gap between job seekers and job givers. We are providing the complete job seekers database for free to recruiters.”
Suyash Jain (a graduate from University of Petroleum and Energy Studies) and Rajat Agarwal (a graduate from IMT Ghaziabad) said that within a month almost 8000+ Job Seekers registered with them. “Currently more than 14,000+ job seekers have registered with them & 500+ HR's from top companies are accessing their database for free to hire those candidates,” added the duo.
Although it is a complete non-profit social initiative, the duo aim to reach out to maximum job seekers and job givers. “We are planning to take it on a higher scale by launching a website for the same. We will also be adding a blog on the website which will help the job seekers to find suitable resources,” said Jain.
“I love to dig into real world problems and believe in solving them by building products at scale and helping businesses optimize the cost. I always look for opportunities where I can build up something and solve the problems which people are facing,” said Jain who describes himself as a hustler.
Important : If you are making an impact in the world, Please send us your story at : and we will try to cover you.